Kisharang Étkezde -

MagyarországKisharang Étkezde



🕗 Nyitva tartás

17, Október 6. utca, 1051, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 1 269 3861
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.501554, Longitude: 19.0509571

hozzászólások 5

  • Zoltan Bognar

    Zoltan Bognar


    It was a very good restaurant, eating house a few years ago. The quality dropped since then. Portions are less, quality is not that good and prices are higher than expected from the place.

  • en

    xxx yyy


    I was recommended by locals to go there, I don't regret it. Tasty and well served dishes of typical Hungarian cuisine. I could easily feed myself with normal portions for affordable prices. Goulash soup (with beef) was delicious and it made good end of the day after hours of sightseeing Budapest.

  • Daniel Brvnišťan

    Daniel Brvnišťan


    Great tasty and authentic food for reasonable prices. Enough of selection, various meats as well as vegetarian. Good and cheap local wines. Bad and cheap bottled local beer :-D The place is quite small and seems popular, so there was a queue when we arrived, but it moved very fast and I am glad we waited.

  • Jacob Yoon

    Jacob Yoon


    Fantastic little place to try authentic Hungarian food for an affordable price. When you flip open the first page of the menu, you’ll notice that this restaurant is owned by a lovely couple doing their best to make this restaurant a success! And it does deliver, from the homemade lemonade to the goulash served, it was very very delicious, the mushroom noodles that my girlfriend ordered was full of flavour and had a hint of homeliness in it.

  • Tomáš Kobza

    Tomáš Kobza


    Awesome! Goulash was great, meaty pancakes also. Staff was nice. This is a nice example of a good restaurant. I recommend this. They have also nice menu with pictures, therefore you can choose the food wisely.

legközelebbi Étterem

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