Firstdent i Budapest

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Budapest, Nyugati Ter 5, 1st floor/3, 1132 Hungría
kontakter telefon: +44 845 057 3670
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.510908, Longitude: 19.0550989

kommentar 5

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    graham legg


    From the first appointment in London to the last appointment in Budapest the whole process has been excellent. Melinda is a fantastic dentist caring and meticulous in all that she does. The Dental technician was very skilled and I loved the way he came in on the fitting of the large bridge so he could see where any improvements could be made. The hygienist was very thorough. I also liked the fact that money was not mentioned during the treatment .It was if the standard of the treatment was paramount and the money didn’t really matter. Thankyou FIrst Dent

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    dean jenkins


    Having undergone a very big procedure, the overall experience was very positive. This is the day after my return from Budapest and I am so pleased with the result, it couldn't have turned out better, my confidence and self esteem have returned to they're former normality. The team at Firstdent were extremely professional, and the informal and relaxed environment is a credit to the way they run the business, there really is a caring atmosphere, which is spearheaded by Adrienn, who loves her job and works tirelessly to ensure client satisfaction. I would absolutely recommend Firstdent, they're a credit to they're profession.

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    Harry Mills


    I had full denture implants with First Dent in Budapest I would highly recommend from the impressive clinic the first class support and care to the actual procedure and the final result is second to none. I'm so pleased with my implants and can eat normally with no pain from wearing loose dentures the first time in years it's wonderful.

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    Andre Mendonca


    First class service with first class facilities which, I have to say, are much better than my dentist's here in England. Highly recommended.

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    Ben Bowles


    Completed full mouth restoration in record time! I was impressed with the professionalism and attention to detail of the treatment. I had expected to require implants, however was impressed that I was recommended to have crowns and bridges instead of the more costly implants. The information and care shown by Adrienn to ensure that a treatment plan could be arranged to suit my timetable, and suggestions regarding accommodation etc. were excellent. The treatment and advice given by Melinda was first class, and the dental equipment was better than any I have encountered in UK, and the cost was significantly lower than that quoted in the UK. I would recommend Firstdent without hesitation to friends and family.

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