Ernst Galéria i Budapest

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UngarnErnst Galéria



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27, Irányi utca, 1056, Budapest, HU Magyarország
kontakter telefon: +36 1 266 4016
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.4918914, Longitude: 19.0563448

kommentar 5

  • Viktor Lőrincz

    Viktor Lőrincz



  • András Arató

    András Arató


  • archili skhvediani

    archili skhvediani


    Close to the Gallery, I found this picture "I want you to get drunk" Very creative...

  • Phillip Danielson

    Phillip Danielson


    Budapest has many cultural attractions and is still mostly unspoiled by mass tourism. There are certainly some streets just off the Danube that are overrun by tourists and overpriced antique stores. In the middle of it all, however, is the Ernst Gallery which is a true oasis of culture and good taste. The gallery features a wide selection of fine art by established Hungarian and other recognized European artists. This is not the place to pick up "souvenir street art" but rather it is the place for discerning collectors to find some exquisite pieces to add to their private collection. The staff are knowledgeable and extremely professional. They give prospective buyers the information that they need but never push a sale or hover over you while browsing. The prices are very competitive by international art standards and the custom framing is second to none. The purchase process is smooth and packing/shipping/insurance is effortless. For lovers and collectors of fine art, this gallery is a must see in Budapest.

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