Apropó -




🕗 Nyitva tartás

39, Király utca, 1077, Budapest, HU Hungary
érintkezés telefon: +36 30 193 3000
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.5011036, Longitude: 19.0616159

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Attila Tóth


    I like a chill night with friends at a wine bar, and Apropo could be a perfect place for this if only they would pay more attention to some things. The waiter could be much nicer, the bathroom must have been cleaner (and they ran out of toilet paper in the girls room) and the wine menu is ridicuolus according to a wine bar. We could have chosen only from 2 types of white wine and there is a huge gap and the next is on the premium wine menu with almost double the price. There was detergent on the bar table and the fruits for the coctails were just thrown on the bar table as well. They automaticly charge 12,5 % of service fee which could be ok if the service was satisfying, but unfortunately it was not. The athmosphere of the bar is nice, but we got a table in the middle of everything (even thought I had a reservation), so it was a little annoying, and when I asked if we can change to another table I was turned down not a very nice way by the waitor. We had a great time but it was not because of the place. I think if someone is looking for a wine bar there are other much better choices around this area.

  • Malcolm Hargelius

    Malcolm Hargelius


    Nice place for some good wine. The staff was a little to slow with the service

  • Tamás Nagy

    Tamás Nagy


    Good wine, you can spend a wonderful evening at this place. The staff seems to be new and little disoriented.

  • Peter Pasztor

    Peter Pasztor


    Not bad, but nothing special.

  • Diego Alonso

    Diego Alonso


    Modern wine bar with interesting activities

legközelebbi Bár

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