Anonymus Étterem -

MagyarországAnonymus Étterem



🕗 Nyitva tartás

1, Kós Károly sétány, 1146, Buadapest, HU Ungarn
érintkezés telefon: +36 70 882 1242
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.515896, Longitude: 19.082533

hozzászólások 5

  • Jay Carr

    Jay Carr


    Nice atmosphere and very polite staff. One of our party was vegan and there was nothing on the menu for them, but the waitor did his best to find something for them.

  • bot Béla

    bot Béla


    szép ,romantikus hangulatú épület. a pincérek KAMUkedvesek,nekünk nem volt gondunk velük. az étel nem egy hú de nagy valami,de nem is rossz. horrror drága minden.

  • MrLifestyler



    I had a very different experience than a lot of other people writing reviews here. Super nice staff, on point. I sat down and within minutes someone was at my table. The place was pretty busy but i got noticed. The food was great and so was the wine, i really thought the staff was really good with everything. The restaurant is in a beautiful location is like having lunch back in the medieval times.

  • en

    Rick Beckley


    Arrived (a party of 5) and were seated. After 10 minutes still hadn't had order taken. My wife went to the bar to see if we had to order there but was told no, they take your order at the table. Another 10 minutes and still no one had been to take our order. We left.

  • Alisa Woods

    Alisa Woods


    Terrible food, service and expensive. I wasted the limited time I have on earth here. The view is nice, but I could have enjoyed the view and eaten a piece of dry bread from a local store and I would have had a more enjoyable time. Cesar salad was mayonnaise on iceberg lettuce with a disgusting sweet balsamic reduction sauce. The hamburger made my son sick. My daughter wanted a cheese sandwich and they put more disgusting mayonnaise and balsamic reduction sauce on that for some unknown reason. The waiter seemed depressed, probably because he knows it's his job to screw over tourists. The goulash tasted like celery soaked in tepid water and was an embarrassment to Hungarians. I had to find a better goulash this evening to erase the trauma. This is a tourist rape site. Avoid.

legközelebbi Bár

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