5 Elements Day Spa - Best massage, Spas Budapest, Thai masszázs, Gyógymasszőr i Budapest

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Ungarn5 Elements Day Spa - Best massage, Spas Budapest, Thai masszázs, Gyógymasszőr



🕗 åbningstider

4a, Csalogány utca, 1015, Budapest, HU Hungary
kontakter telefon: +36 30 235 3555
internet side: 5elements-massage-spa.hu
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 47.507593, Longitude: 19.0380463

kommentar 5

  • Niran Manandhar

    Niran Manandhar


    Booked for a couples massage, it was only ok and medicoure.

  • Camilla Slováčkova

    Camilla Slováčkova


    Amazing! An absolute must! Amazing service!

  • en

    Dho Duke


    This house has very nice interior and keeps very clean masssge room. Also quality of masssge is best in Budapest with my experience. Simply best !

  • en

    Ashley Rose


    My mother and I went here for a massage, she chose the hot stone while I opted for the shiatsu, and we both agreed that it was the best massage of our lives. The staff were accomodating and professional. Highly recommended!

  • Megan Mahon

    Megan Mahon


    Beautiful spa and really reasonably priced. Came with lots of nice perks like hot tea, wine, and fruit plate. My fiancé and I got a Bali couples massage and they were very attentive and professional. The perfect way to end our vacation.

nærmeste Spa

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